Other Applications

DSG for Orthopedic Robots

Dsg for orthopedic robots

Main features

SpineGuard signed a partnership agreement with ISIR (Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique), a laboratory affiliated to Sorbonne University, CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) and INSERM (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale), all specialized in surgical robotics. The objective is to scientifically prove that a robot combined with the DSG® technology can assure real time detection of breaches during surgical skeletal drillings, and make the implant placement possible with a robot autonomously.

This partnership has already demonstrated successful results with:

  • A first patent application in 2017, published, and a second application recently filed
  • The acceptance of the first scientific paper on the usage of the DSG sensing technology for guidance of robotic surgical platforms at the Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics (June, 2019 in London, United Kingdom). This pre-clinical feasibility study was awarded as Best Paper during this symposium.

Furthermore, SpineGuard collaborates on the European project FAROS (Functional Accurate RObotic Surgery).

The FAROS project started on January 1st, 2021 with a three-year term, it is financed by Horizon 2020, the largest European Union research and innovation program, deploying close to 80 billion euros financing over a seven-year period. Four prestigious universities are participants to this project: KU Leuven, Sorbonne Université, King’s College London and Universität Zürich. SpineGuard is a project collaborator, along with the Balgrist University Hospital of Zurich.

As supporting organization, SpineGuard will provide the FAROS members their DSG technology. This key feedback technology will help the surgical robot which will possess multiple sensing capabilities to execute complex surgical tasks in an autonomous and controlled manner. DSG is expected to be pivotal in ensuring this happens in a safe and precise fashion. Moreover, two SpineGuard members have a seat on the External Advisory Board of the project: Maurice Bourlion, Board director and scientific advisor, and Thibault Chandanson, R&D director. Jimmy Da Silva, PhD student and engineer at SpineGuard in the context of a CIFRE contract with Sorbonne University’s ISIR (Institute for Intelligent Systems and Robotics) is also part of the research team.

Our partners

Logo Isir
Logo Inserm
Logo Sorbonne
Logo Tremplin Carnot

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